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Transform Your Outdoor Space with a Plunge Pool from LangPools!

Turn even the smallest backyard into a luxurious retreat with our innovative plunge pools. Designed for style, comfort, and relaxation, these compact pools offer the elegance of a full-sized pool without requiring a large footprint.

Perfect for smaller yards, Plunge Pools are available in durable vinyl, sleek fiberglass, or custom concrete (Gunite)—each designed for quick, efficient installation. Whether you’re envisioning a tranquil escape or a sophisticated entertainment spot, our plunge pools provide unmatched beauty, functionality, and lasting value.

Act now—there’s still time to install before summer!

Pricing starts at just $49,000, making it easier than ever to elevate your backyard with a high-end plunge pool that perfectly fits your space and lifestyle.

Contact Lang Pools today and bring your vision to life!

Milan PearlWhite

What Is a Plunge Pool?

A plunge pool is a compact, shallow swimming pool designed for soaking, relaxing, and cooling off. These space-saving pools are ideal for homeowners looking to create a luxurious backyard retreat, even with limited space. Plunge pools can be customized to suit your needs while offering faster installation at a lower cost than traditional pools.


Fiberglass Plunge Pool Designs

Our fiberglass plunge pools are elegant, durable, and versatile. Choose from two stunning models to fit your space and lifestyle needs:

  • The Milan – 10′ x 16′ with a depth of 4′.
  • The Enchantment – 9′ 1″ x 17′ 5″ featuring a deeper depth of 4′ 9″.

Both models include swim-up seating (beverage benches), slip-resistant steps, and fiberglass material that resists fading, staining, and scratches. Customization options like tanning ledges, bubblers, and LED lighting allow you to customize your pool to your preferences.

Latham Plunge Pool Brochure

Vinyl Plunge Pool Designs

Vinyl plunge pools provide flexibility and affordability without compromising on style. Our Calypso model is 8′ x 16′ with depths up to 5’. These are available in four configurations, ranging from open pool designs to options with built-in seating, benches, and tanning ledges. Features include:

  • Antimicrobial surface with UV protection
  • Thermo-insulated panels to retain heat and reduce energy costs
  • Quickest installation time among all pool materials
  • Sleek inground and semi-inground options to suit any backyard

Key Benefits of Latham Plunge Pools

Plunge pools are incredible additions to homes for leisure, fitness, entertainment, happy hours, and more. These versatile products install quickly and require less water than traditional pools, with benefits that include:

  • Perfect for Any Outdoor Space – Compact and stylish designs fit into backyards of all sizes.
  • Efficient and Affordable – Faster installation and lower costs compared to traditional pools.
  • Unmatched Quality – Backed by a lifetime warranty for peace of mind.
  • Energy Savings – All are Coverstar Autocover-ready to reduce water evaporation, chemical use, and energy costs.
  • Hydrotherapy & Relaxation – Turn your plunge pool into a therapeutic spa! These can be heated to promote muscle relaxation and stress relief for year-round use.
  • Energy Efficiency – Less water means fewer chemicals are used, and less energy is required for heating, making this an eco-friendly option.

Bring the Fun to Your Backyard Today

Turn your outdoor space into a personal retreat with Lang Pools’ Latham plunge pools. Visit our showroom in Norwalk, CT or contact us today for a free estimate and personalized consultation. Your dream backyard oasis is just a call away.

Reach out Today for a Free Estimate on Your New Backyard Getaway!