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We Build Swimming Pools and Relationships

We Build Swimming Pools and Relationships

We Build Swimming Pools and Relationships


Lang Pools, Inc. Builds the Finest Inground Pools for CT and NY

Lang Pools and Spas Inc., located in Norwalk, Connecticut, specializes in the construction of custom inground pools and spas. A Lang pool offers many benefits for you and your family. They are great for entertaining, escaping the summer heat, staying in shape, keeping the kids around the house, and getting in more quality family time. The Lang team will literally turn your backyard into your very own private resort. Our expert team also assists in the maintenance, repair, replacement, opening, and closing of these pools. Lang Pools builds the most beautiful inground swimming pools and is a leader in Fairfield, CT and Westchester, NY for custom inground pools and spas.

Vinyl Pools by Lang Pools

Pool Maintenance Services from NSPI-Certified Specialists

Does your old pool not bring you the joy that it used to? Does it lack that certain charm that drew you, your family, friends, and neighbors over for backyard parties? Let our service professionals assist in bringing the life back to your backyard investment. We provide National Spa and Pool Institute (N.S.P.I.) certified technicians to ensure superior pool service. The trucks our team uses are GPS-tracked, and radio-controlled. Whether you need small repairs, renovations, or a complete remodel, you can trust us to spark joy in your backyard again!

Reach out Today for a Free Estimate on Your New Backyard Getaway!

Custom Concrete Pools by Lang Pools

Meet Lang Pools, Inc. President, Christopher Lang

Christopher Lang founded Lang Pools, Inc. in 1993, shortly after finishing college at State University of New York (SUNY) at Geneseo where he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in business administration. Christopher spent his high school and college summers working with his father for a swimming pool company in Long Island, NY, and became very involved in running the business. Christopher is very proud that today Lang Pools is one of the most recognized swimming pool companies in the area. He is also a Certified Pool Operator (CPO) and an SP1 licensed pool contractor.

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You Can Measure Our Workmanship by Our Awards

We don’t mind bragging a little that our excellent team won three more international awards last fall from the Association of Pool and Spa Professionals (APSP), and another award in February 2007. The wonderful thing about winning awards is that a prospective pool buyer can get a good, honest, and objective third-party opinion about a builder’s quality of workmanship. Our awards have included:
